Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Malkin Still Attacking Child 2

Balloon Juice

I believe that would make the current score in the Frost affair:

Tin-Hat Nutroots Leftard Members of the Unreality Based Community from Another Galaxy: 11833

Citizen Journalist Michelle Malkin: 0

Sadly, No! » Meanwhile In Malkinland

‘Human shield’ is a clever one. It says that some people are so callous, so mercenary, that they’ll put a toddler where Malkin and her friends are sure to go berserk and savage her.

How much lower can it go? It’s starting to seem as though we’re watching history in the making.

Crooks and Liars » Frost Parents Talk About The Right’s Jihad Against Their Son On Countdown
Oh yeah, Michelle, you traitor to motherhood, you’ve just proven how much sadder it can be. How dare you? Speaking as a mother, I pray with every bone of my liberal body that you never, ever spend one day as the Frosts have, hoping against the odds for the recovery of their children

Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog » Late Late Nite FDL: Just Trying to Be Helpful (A Top Ten List)

I’m a little concerned about Our Lady of the Concentration Camps. Now that she’s been fired (or resigned, whatever) from The O’Reilly Factor, she’s going to have some extra time on her hands.

So, in the spirit of comity and intra-blog civility, I thought I would maybe quickly whip up a batch of suggestions for Top Ten New Jobs for Stalkin’ Malkin: