Friday, December 26, 2008

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Malkin - I Pissed at MSM

 Sadly No Again

I have chosen gloating condescension as a response to Rahm Emanuel's complaints of "death threats," and that the media has "put [his] home address on national television," for certainly no one will remember the time in 2006 when, in the wake of one of my more infamous exploits, my address was posted on the Internet, and I abandoned my house in fear, loudly complaining of the extreme and woeful injustice that had been inflicted upon myself.

High Transparency, As It Were

Ever Shorter Maklin Via Sadly No.

It seems her big objection is that this person might have deleted some files. Once again, we see either IOKIYAR at work, or just the sudden re-discovery of how important government records are.
It takes brass balls to be upset about rumors of file deletion and improper lobbying from the [b]Clinton[/b] era.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Michelle Malkin Again So wrong about so much

So after a year of just linking to Malkin Mashing today i will be back to personal Bashing.

Her screed and my quips below

HOWARD Dean and Nancy Pelosi can stop clucking now.

For the last three years, Democratic leaders cheered GOP ethics woes. Dean accused Republicans of making "their culture of corruption the norm"; Pelosi touted cleanliness as a liberal virtue.

But with the eye-popping pay-for-play and bribery case against Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich topping a year of nationwide Democratic scandals, the corruption chickens are coming home to roost.

As Jefferson and others have shown corruption does not have a party affiliation. The fact that Blagojevich was just plain dumb puts him more in the Bush-Foley-Craig GOPers party.

US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald called the breadth and depth of charges against Blagojevich and his Democratic Chief of Staff John Harris "staggering." That's an understatement. Anything that breathed was a potential shakedown target. Democrat Blago's so dirty he'd hit up a children's hospital for money. Oh, wait. He's accused of doing that, too.


Oh is this the patrick fitz whos head Malkin called for during the i love libby trial.
Yay so  far 2 for 2 Michelle IS miss DoubleStandard.

According to the criminal complaint released yesterday, the Democrat also tried to leverage his influence over the sale of Wrigley Field (owned by Tribune media company) in an attempt to get Chicago Tribune editorial writers who called for his impeachment fired.

Yes news woman - Hes a democrat Not a Governor of a state or anything.

His wife, Patricia Blagojevich, was apparently in on the thuggery, too. Taking a break from her first lady duties advocating "on behalf of women and children," she is heard in taped discussions about the Chicago Tribune/Wrigley Field deal telling a governor's aide "to hold up that f--king Cubs s--t. . . . F--k them."

Pelosi, champion of women as political cleaner-uppers, was unavailable for comment.

Bushs Mom and Katrina.. ..

Fitzgerald says President-elect Barack Obama isn't implicated in the plethora of charges against Democrats Blago and Harris. The national media went out of their way to absolve him, too. But declaring Team Obama's hands clean - especially with Blago crony and indicted Obama donor Tony Rezko in the middle of it all - is premature. (And if you're wondering why I keep putting "Democrat" in front of the accused corruptocrats, it's because most newspapers can't seem to remember to identify the party prominently the way they do when Republicans are nabbed.)

Chicago's Fox affiliate reports that Obama chief of staff and Chicago hometown heavy Rahm Emanuel was the catalyst for the Blago takedown and suggests Rahm-bo tipped off the feds. If so, this raises more questions than it answers about who on the transition team may have talked to Blago and his shakedown artists about what and when.

Again with a questionable or no source she just believes rupies news organ

Needless to say, if it were the Republican Bush administration tied to the Blago bust, the White House press corps would be frothing like a pack of pit bulls.

Both Rezko and Blago were professioal fundraisers for GOP too.
No talk about that Mishie..

Democrats and the media can no longer rest on the old rationalization that Blago is an exception to the "we're cleaner than thou" rule. This was the year of Democratic Reps. William "Cold Cash" Jefferson, Charlie "Sweetheart Deals" Rangel and former Detroit Mayor Kwame "Text Me" Kilpatrick.

Again you and you kind made up the -we are cleaner then you- meme. Show me were a real intelligent Dem said such a thing.
OH look we just mix time lines together - Jefferson and Kilpatrick stories appeared long ago AND Rangel was last week.
DId the MSM point from the top of the article change at the bottom or does she realy think this makes since.

It was the year Democratic Massachusetts state Sen. Dianne Wilkerson got caught stuffing bribes from an FBI informant down her shirt. It was the year 12 Democratic leaders and staffers in Pennsylvania's state Capitol were stung in a massive corruption scandal involving cash, sex and abuse of public office. And it was the year of multimillion-dollar embezzlement scandals at the offices of Democratic satellites ACORN and the SEIU.

ACORN was vindicated. SEIU has not been charged yet but they become  Malkinified scandals.

The Democrats have met the culture of corruption, and it looks like it ain't just elephants among the jackasses soiling public office.

It takes a jackass to see a jackass.

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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Malkin is a non issue now

Can the gate ever be closed after all the cows are gone. M. Malkin is still the queen of right wing tripe.

Zemanta test 1

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

LOL Ted Nuggethead luvs Malkin

What a fool Nugent is... His rant was almost Palin like in its use of GOP talking point and circular speech..I expected more from him but hes like a pale Malkin.

Boo Hoo RINOs,  Boo Hoo Libtards, Boo Hoo Fedzilla

So some grimey old time rock star luvs him some old time politics.

Yay Ted

Friday, October 31, 2008

Malkins Honey writes the craptastic

Malkin - Hypocrit much
via digby

But, again, Malkin is hardly the right person to complain considering the absolutely horrific invasion of privacy she perpetrated against the Frost family. It's mind-boggling that, of all people in the right wing blogosphere, she has appointed herself to be the one to lead this story.

LOL - Funny when the time comes to write for the -Real- News, Michelle seems to change her voice, were is the arrrrr and screaming we read at her blog or hear her say in video. 

The truth is Mr. Malkin writes these fake news outlines that Michelle fills in with her personal pith. This opinion piece is pushed as news with no verification other then wingnuttia yet the clowns all get in line. Next thing you know we will all be starting a holy war on scarfs.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Malkin thinks all Africa the Same but shes no racist

Via Sadly No-
Gee, Now The Racist Liberals Are Going To Racistly Accuse Me Of Racism

Again Remember folks just read the shorter summery Dont click the link unless you enjoy re-reading someones posted crap and the hateful spew of the commenter's on aforementioned crap.The fact that Malkin does not even have her husband write her posts anymore has not changed there ability to make the dogs  bark.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Malkin gives the Dogs a Bone AGAIN

 So sad that i had to go to her damn site to read this -
Someone thats not a Republican broke a Voting Law - quick get all their personal information and give it to the Malkinites , cause we dont need Police.

New York Times April 2007
In 5-Year Effort, Scant Evidence of Voter Fraud

Five years after the Bush administration began a crackdown on voter fraud, the Justice Department has turned up virtually no evidence of any organized effort to skew federal elections, according to court records and interviews.

UPDATE 10-15-2008
ACORN is Bad Except when its Votes for MCsame

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Sorry Malkin Your not worth it

Just read the
shorter part At Sadly No
Dont click the link - it goes to actual Malkinisms

Monday, September 29, 2008

Malkin Blames Crisis on Latinos

Via Crooks And Liars

The National Review should be ashamed to print this garbage, but we all know their history on racial issues. This is why Latino voters need to turn out in huge numbers this November.
I’d say more, but Digby spells it out for Michelle.
I guess Malkin has never heard of something called “No Doc” loans which mean No Income, No Asset, No employment Verification. It’s got nothing to do with immigration.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Malkin Rallies Minions Again!!

The reaction of the audience speaks for itself. Watch the clip here.
Now, can you imagine if McCain had joked like this about Michelle O?-

Like he did not do the same thing to Hilleary??

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Malkin Assassination Attempt Halted -

OMG - While just doing her job of causeing trouble, Malkin gets a run in with bad people that call for her death ( not unlike what malkin does at least once a month in her blog ) -proving every one can have a bad day.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Hulkin Malkin

Via Sadly No


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Malkin sees nothing wrong with killing old people

Via Sadly No!  

    The Tennessee Church Shootings
    * Horrible. Confederate Yankee zeroes in on what’s important — i.e., absolving conservatives of responsibility for this passing anti-Christian incident in which only two people were killed (both of whom were old).

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Malkin Mangles Money Counts


Malkin claims there's been a "great media wall of silence around Russell's upstart campaign." OK, let's break that silence and take a close look. ......
He reports having $269,953 in cash on hand. But he also reports debts totaling $242,521 -- almost all for direct mail expenses to BMW Direct and its vendors.
So that leaves him only about $27,431 ahead -- not much for a guy who's raised a total of nearly $1 million this election cycle.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

MalkinNation voice of murehka

John Cole on Malkineestas

-They remind me of my family’s Jack Russell terrier when he was younger- he would see a ball, and that was it. It was all he could think about. He had to have the ball. You could see the thoughts running through his head as he pestered you to play with him or if you had put his ball away in the house:-

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Calling Malkin

Brad at SadlyNo says

Also, does Gates understand that he’s working for a preznit whose Grand Foreign Policy Doctrine was precisely that we should kill or capture our way to victory? I mean, does he even know who his boss is????

Monday, July 7, 2008

When does Malkin Need a reason

Baffled by Malkin is
J Cole of Balloon Juice

I honestly have no idea what is so terrible about this CNN piece. It can’t be that he is being called a Swift Boat vet, as Michelle thinks they are truth-tellers and he clearly was in the Swift Vet commercial. It can’t be that they said anything offensive about Day, because they didn’t. Is it really because they did not inlcude a several paragraph summation of Day’s military background, as Jesse Taylor states?

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Raving Malkin Strikes Again

By Brad at sadly No

Here in the People’s Republic of Malkinstan, we define “torture” as “bad stuff that shifty darkies do to white people.” White people doing the exact same stuff to shifty darkies is merely “aggressive interrogation

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Malkkkin Cracks

“Crackers and Right-Wingers” Cry Foul via TRex

Hey, Michelle, this is just a suggestion, but your habit of creating cutesy little neologisms like “Obamedia”, “Shamnesty”, and “Dhimmicrats” would possibly work to your advantage if they were actually, you know, clever or funny. Instead, they’re just kind of proof that you’re about as clever and funny as a plantar wart, so maybe you should stick with words that already exist. Just a thought

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Malkin Scarf Jihad Continues..

Via SadlyNo

... As George Carlin would no doubt say about this entire affair: “I see them as symbols, and I leave them to the symbol-minded.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Malkin Message Mangler

Via Sadly No -

Remember a few days back when we noted that Malkin always pulls the same tricks? Having implicated Dunkin’ Donuts in a jihadi neckwear conspiracy, she’s now casting her scouring fish eye upon Subway, the sandwich chain.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Shorter Malkin Reprise

Via SadlyNo
Shorter from Brad

On Malkinology

Gavin at SadlyNo Writes

A good first principle of Malkinology is that she does the same tricks over and over, and when they aren’t working, she only gets angry and does them more foot-stompingly and carelessly. The main trick is basic projection: When she decides to write a column about a fatal fault in someone, it will almost 100% of the time be a completely hatched up and calculated ploy to immunize herself or a political ally from the exact same charge.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

M. Malkin at War With StarbAsia

Via TRex -

For really, what is Michelle MalKKKin but just another permanently pissed off Maryland housewife who got overcharged at Talbot’s? I can’t even keep track of how many boycotts she has going right now. AlicuRoy, writing for the Voice, alerts us to Miss MalKKKin’s crusade against Beyonce’s fashion line for kids....

...But that’s not MalKKKin’s only boycott right now. She’s got one going against Starbucks, too. Why? I’m not exactly sure. Her own writings on the topic are so rife with incoherence and bristling with ire that I can’t really make out what she’s saying. Here, you try:

Malkin As Military Pundit

Via SadlyNO!!

Have you noticed a cod-populist ‘we’ quality creeping into Michelle’s prose lately? So many things seem to be about the power of crowds and distributed crankery, about an invisible majority of right-wing wackadoos among whom Michelle Malkin is important and influential. Yep, someone seems to be feeling quite secure lately, cough-cough, achoo.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Fauxtrage Markets Feeling the Pinch

Via TRex So i dont have to..........

Michelle Malkin, well, she couldn’t figure out how to cook a Pop-Tart without the directions on the box. Which means that she has been spending the last week or so wailing and gnashing her teeth and beating her breast over the fact that the McCain campaign won’t return her calls and that no one gives a shit who or what she’s boycotting this week.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Careful, Miss MalKKKin, Your Face is Going to Stick That Way

Via TRex

Poor little crazy-headed thing.
So, what’s she turning her poison pen to, these days? After her years of being a dirt-mongering, character assassinating, bile-spewing harpy for the Right, Our Lady of the Perpetually Twisted Panties has decided to engage in a bit of heavy projection, as is her wont:

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Malkin - How Dare Obama Be Black

Via O.Willis

Her latest syndicated column is titled “Jive Talk Expressk“. The column is most of the same warmed-over nonsense about how Obama is a secret black nationalist who wants to kill us all, and it ends saying “You be trippin’, Barry.” Because he’s BLACK, you see. Be very afraid.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Malkin has Hussein in the membrane

Michelle Malkin and the warbloggers get everything wrong -- again

in light of how spectacularly their then-beloved controversy surrounding the Associated Press and its allegedly fictitious source, Jamil Hussein, had imploded, I never thought she'd take my advice literally. I was making a rhetorical point.

But lo and behold, she and her press-hating warblogger friends did go chase another media conspiracy out of Iraq. They did target an innocent Iraqi: Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer Bilal Hussein.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

What Happened to HotAir

Via Malkin is an Idiot

When Michelle Malkin launched in April 2006, it was billed as “the world’s first conservative internet broadcast network”.

Lonely Malkin

Not skewered until the 7th page of the Voice article



TONE: Very, very angry

CANDIDATE: None—McCain's too liberal


Monday, April 7, 2008

Can She get any shorter

Via SadlyNO

Shorter Michelle Malkin 03-06
Posted at 23:50 by Brad
Obama’s cheesesteak snobbery: Shades of Jawn “Swiss” Carry

Shorter Michelle Malkin 03-05
Posted at 23:47 by Brad

Absolut arrogance and the advertising agency behind the reconquista ad

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Malkin Mourns MEL

By: John Amato on Tuesday, March 4th, 2008 at 10:30 AM - PST
Malkin mourns the loss of her conservative activist brethren—who told the most vicious lies about George Soros—which was so disgusting that it forced the KSFO program director to go on air and apologize to the audience.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Shorter Malkin

Via SadlyNo Cause It hurts to go myself

Well i did not think She could get any shorter

Posted at 17:27 by Brad
P.C. at the Washington Times

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Malkin Crys

Bob Cesca calls it - N-word Jealousy

Paraphrasing Malkin's creepy post: "But, but those black people at the Grammys get to say the n-word, so everyone should get to say it, too! Whaaah!"

Friday, February 1, 2008

Batty Ms Malkinator

Driving Miss Crazy - via TRex

Oh, Michelle, if you had a brain you’d be dangerous. As it is, you’re sort of fascinating and repellent like a poisonous insect, but funnier.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Sadly Malkin

People who lose their homes are the storm troopers of liberal fascism

From the post -Y’know, there are days when I wish the Republicans would heed Michelle Malkin’s advice, if only to ensure a resounding and humiliating defeat in the 2008 elections.-